Welcome to Part 3 of a three part series on conscious business restructuring.
In this episode, I take a deep dive into the intricacies of reshaping my business with mindful intention. Even though this is the third part of the series, it's filled with insights and reflections that stand alone as valuable lessons for anyone looking to transform or bring more intention into their own biz development. As always, I explore the gaps in traditional 'bro marketing' and 'expert' culture through the lens of decolonization, and discuss how community and group mentorship can create a powerful support system. I'll also share the significance of crafting meaningful, non-extractive offers, delving into the concepts of sacred offer creation, redefining success and the magnetism of following what's truly alive. I also encourage you to explore your own energy and process of creation, learning to discern when to pivot versus when to be more "disciplined"/devoted to your vision. This conversation challenges old systems and embraces a new, value-aligned, and playful approach to business. If you'd like me as a support on your own restructuring journey, listen to the end to hear about my current offers and check out the links below.
As always, I'd love to hear what stirs or lands for you in this conversation. Connect with me on IG (@nicolepasveer) and let me know!
All current offerings can be found here:
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Mentioned in this episode:
Activation Invite
WHO THE F*CK ARE YOU? Most of us have been so busy proving, performing, and playing by the rules… That we don’t even know where the mask ends and we begin. So we’re going to find out! Join me for a FREE 2 part activation to explore who you are beyond the labels, beyond the boxes, and beyond who the world told you to be Details: Part 1. Live call on March 13 where I’m bringing you on a rebellious, somatic experiment to peel back the layers and meet the raw, unfiltered YOU. Part 2. Community slack channel open March 13-20 Come come, you won't regret! Link below to learn more and sign up 💃