Episode 14

Published on:

20th Jun 2023

How Society is Failing Us in New Motherhood, with Nikki Matthews

You aren't failing mama, but society might be failing you.
In this episode, I'm joined by Nikki Matthews who shares her experience preparing for pregnancy/birth and navigating postnatal depression and anxiety after becoming a mom. She discusses the societal taboo surrounding maternal mental health and the struggle to seek support.  This is part 3 of a 3 part series on Matrescence (tune into episodes 12 and 13 to hear other matrescence stories) 

In this episode, Nikki and I also discuss: 

  • The differences in healthcare, parental leave, and childcare in the UK, Canada, and the US 
  • How society is failing in preparing mothers for the emotional changes and identity shift that come with motherhood
  • The importance of exploring personal values and why self-discovery should be prioritized instead of fitting into traditional metrics
  • The pressure to bounce back and return to pre-baby life and how this adds to the struggle of understanding one's new identity as a mother
  • Navigating feelings of isolation and inadequacy in new motherhood

Nikki shares the importance of understanding matrescence and normalizes some of the hardships so many of us face in early motherhood.  Tune in and join the conversation as we dissect the need for societal change to better support mothers.

A note from Nikki:
"I'm a Brit, currently living in the USA away from friends and family. I'm married to my wonderful husband James, I have a rambunctious 2 year old little boy, and I also have a non-stop 4 year old pup called Dora. Our house is loud, high energy and messy (just to keep things in perspective!) I used to work in the corporate HR space for 14+ years, but recently took a career break to spend time with my son & explore some of my creative passions... Which brings me on to the.maternally .... an idea that I had when in the throes of postnatal depression and anxiety, and realised so much more needed to be done to support mums as they transition into and throughout motherhood. When I first stepped into the role of mum, I really needed an ally in my corner ... hence the.maternally was born!  I'm a motherhood ally, a matrescence educator, a fierce supporter of maternal mental health, a recovering people pleaser and perfectionist and a HUGE croissant lover! I'm just getting the.maternally off the ground and very much learning as I go, but I'd love for you to join my community!"
Connect with Nikki on IG (@the.maternally)

Connect with Nicole (@nicolepasveer)
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About the Podcast

personal growth meets embodied business development for mother entrepreneurs
The go-to podcast for conscious and holistic mother entrepreneurs swapping society’s to do list for intentional living, freedom and abundance, while creating impact and legacy in their  home + business. 

Hosted by Nicole Pasveer, your like hearted mom friend and biz bestie wrapped in one. 

Nicole is an ex nurse turned matrescence guide and business coach leading women just like you into the new paradigm - where thriving in motherhood is your birth right AND so is a successful and sustainable online business. 

Follow and subscribe to the show if you’re ready to detach from patriarchal motherhood, bro marketing and boss babe culture. 

In this space, we use nature as our framework as we move towards
-feminine embodied business development
-cyclical orientation
-slow living
-home birthing, home schooling and home steading

Together, let’s REWILD + remember as we break FREE from survival and reconnect to what really matters 

Connect with Nicole on IG (@nicolepasveer)

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Nicole Pasveer