A conversation about embracing imposter syndrome, fine tuning the energy of your offer, matching the structure with your current capacity in this season, and ACTUALLY making money.
What conscious offer creation is NOT:
❎ Doing what your coach / favourite biz guru online does
❎ Believing that overdelivering equals more value (less can be more!!!)
❎ Pouring from an empty cup, not compensating yourself, mismatching your energy/capacity
What conscious creation is:
✅ Matching your capacity (boundaries, biz hours, etc)
✅ Tapping into the energy of your offer
✅ "profit first" pricing... if you're not making money, your business is just an expensive hobby
✅ Save the backend sh*t for later!!
Ways to currently work with me:
Join HELD - my monthly membership community (only $44/month) for conscious + curious women entrepreneurs desiring a landing place for integration, self exploration, and regenerative biz strategy
Join the waitlist for Recalibrate - my annual 6 month long mothermind (aka mastermind) for mother entrepreneurs ditching boss babe bull sh*t for a biz that breathes with every season
DM me on IG if you're desiring 1-1 mentorship, I have 2 spots available
Mentioned in this episode:
Come UNDONE with me!
Calling all coaches, doulas and spiritual entrepreneurs who are done following someone else's rules for success. You're invited to the UNDONE retreat. A virtual 3 month portal to alchemize sticky energy, attune your nervous system to a new baseline no longer stuck in survival, and activate your most authentic (read: abundant AF) identity. It’s time to come undone from who the world wants you to be. Your weird is your wealth, and the revolution you know you’re meant to lead starts with being radically YOU. Sign up before 1/8