Episode 31

Published on:

23rd Oct 2023


How often do we make things harder than they need to be due to our own agendas and attachments?? 
Once you become aware of this, it becomes apparent in both motherhood and entrepreneurship. 
In this episode,  I discuss how so often we as mother entrepreneurs can be our own worst enemy,  getting in our own way due to attachments to time and success. We can easily miss out on experiencing joy in the journey if we are always focussed on the future and thinking "if I could just have x, then I'll feel y".
I share my own musings around privilege versus taking intentional action and getting out of victimhood in our own lives. I delve into the idea of time flexibility, gratitude, and the belief that creating a life of abundance and freedom is possible for everyone. I invite you to consider your own journey as a mother entrepreneur and encourage you to celebrate the life you have built while taking intentional action towards the life you desire.
I also share several things I've done internally to help me get closer to creating a life of time freedom including:
- nervous system regulation
- openness to receive
- money mindset
- healing my wounded maiden archetype (victimhood)
- and finding joy and pleasure in the mundane moments so I'm not constantly seeking something outside of my current life

I would love to hear what lands for you! I hope this episode is both inspiring and thought provoking.  Connect with me on IG and let me know!

If you are curious about working 1-1 with me, find more details about my private coaching packages here  

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About the Podcast

Stirring good kinda trouble. This is a podcast where conscious entrepreneurship and personal exploration meets decolonization, nervous system healing, and cyclical living
What happens when you stop trying to fit neatly into this world?
When you unbecome everything you were told to be?
When you breathe nuance into a world obsessed with the binary?
When you stop chasing linear success and remember the power of the cyclical, the seasonal—the way we were always meant to be?

This is REWILD + FREE.

Not a blueprint. But an invitation.

To unmask. To unravel. To break free—not just from survival, but from the deep conditioning that keeps us disconnected. From each other. From our bodies. From the earth.

In all facets of life—motherhood, womanhood, conscious business, spirituality.

These are the conversations social media can’t hold space for. The ones that don’t fit into bite-sized posts or neat little soundbites. The messy, layered, deeply human ones. A mix of raw personal musings and soul-stirring interviews with those willing to go beyond the surface.

I’m Nicole Pasveer—mother, truth-seeker, activator. Someone who spent years untangling herself from stories that were never hers to hold. I’ve done the people-pleasing, the perfectionism, the fitting into boxes too small for me. I know what it feels like to wake up and realize—this isn’t who I am.

So here we are.

Stirring good kinda trouble.

Having the conversations that matter—healing, liberation, decolonization, reimagining how we live, work, and lead. Not with easy answers, but with big, bold, sometimes impossible-to-answer questions.

Where nuance, reclamation, and reimagination collide

Let’s rewild and remember. Together.

Connect with Nicole on IG (@nicolepasveer)

About your host

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Nicole Pasveer